Historical Address Geocoder (HAG-GIS 1.0.0)
The Historical Address Geocoder (HAG-GIS) is a Python 2.7 program for automating the geocoding process for the Digitising Scotland project. The geocoding process involves fuzzy-matching historical records with contemporary addresses. This automating system takes into account spatial information deriving from historical administrative data improving the accuracy of the geocoded historical addresses and producing geography boundaries at small administrative scales where geographical boundaries are not available.
The basic HAGGIS-1.0.0 installation requires Python 2.7, with additional packages and libraries needed for the spatial analysis and database management of data.
Python 2.7:
To install pip, securely download get-pip.py (https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py). Then run the following (which may require administrator access):
> python get-pip.py
If setuptools is not already installed, get-pip.py will install setuptools for you. To upgrade an existing setuptools:
> pip install -U setuptools.
Additional Python packages (pip package is required)
wheel package:
> pip install wheel==0.24.0
PyYAML package:
> pip install PyYAML==3.11
python-Levenshtein package:
> pip install python-Levenshtein==0.11.2
scipy package:
> pip install scipy==0.15.1
numpy package:
> pip install numpy==1.9.2
nose package:
> pip install nose==1.3.7
tqdm package:
> pip install tqdm==1.0
External Libraries:
Follow the installation instructions as suggested at the official sites of the following libraries.
Qhull library (scipy depedency) at http://www.qhull.org/
SpatiaLite v4.0 library (sqlite dependency) at http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/
To test if the required libraries are installed in your Python distribution, start Python and try the following:
>>> from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
>>> from scipy.spatial import KDTree
>>> import Levenshtein
>>> import tqdm
>>> import PyYAML
>>> import numpy
None of these import commands should give you an error.
Unpack the archive and a new directory named ‘HAGGIS’ will be created containing all the necessary HAGGIS modules and additional files such as example data sets, documentation and testing programs.
Go into the ‘haggis’ sub-directory within ‘HAGGIS’ and run all tests using the corresponding command provided:
> nosetests
or run the tests individually (within ‘HAGGIS/haggis/tests’ folder), for example:
> python test_spatial.py
The HAGGIS can be started using:
> python haggis.py
> python haggis.py <config file>
where <config file> is a given configuration file.
Please note that this is the initial distribution of HAGGIS-1.0.0 which has only been tested to a limited extent on an Windows platform (specifically Windows 7 & 8 with Python 2.7).
Please report any problems and bugs to: konstantinos.Daras@gmail.com
To receive updates and news on HAGGIS please visit the following open source lists at:
Historical Address Geocoder
ToDo list